This application enables you to manage sales in a modern and smart way, as it automatically retrieves your total sales after passing the products on the phone camera, and in more detail this application is characterized by:1- Record and save the commodity information in your account that is linked to a database on the Internet, such as the name of the product, its price, the quantity ...2 - The possibility of access and amendment of the registered information at any time, as well as searching between the list of products through the code.3- Entering and registering goods by writing their codes and information manually or by scanning the bar code.4- Calculating the total sales in the sales process with ease of entering products by scanning the product bar code or manually entering the code.5- Deleting, increasing or modifying the number of units sold in the sales process in an easy way, as well as deleting the product from the list or the entire list easily.6- Control the light and sound of the scanner.7 - The ability to save the sales list at each sale in a database, and re-access it at any time and with ease.8- Modify personal information with ease.9 - The ease of use of the application for the simplicity and aesthetics of its interface, which guarantees you the best user experience, which we are working to improve permanently.10 - Leave a note of the problem or suggestion that you see will improve the experience of using the application.11- All application servers are free.12- The application supports most of the countries of the worldThe application is considered in its beginning, so if you see that it needs any addition or modification, or you have encountered any problem, do not hesitate to write a comment in the space provided for it in the application in the interface of your account.